Trunk or Treat 2017
/in Church, Events /by adminKeller’s Corny Country 2017
/in Church, Events /by adminZone Shepherd Program
/in Church, Principles /by adminThe Zone Shepherd program is specifically designed to assist the Church in meeting our Mission Statement, “Lifting Up the Heart of Christ in the Heart of Dickson”. Our Church Family Community is divided into ten(10) geographical “zones” to provide care for one another. In each of these zones there is a Zone Shepherd(s) who will look after the flock of the zone.
Zone Shepherd Coordinators are Marie Slagle and Margaret Loose. Coordinators will stay in communication with the church office to disseminate information to Zone Shepherds relating to prayer requests, weddings, births, deaths, illnesses, visitors, new members, baptisms, etc..
Zone Shepherds will notify the church members in their zone area and communicate they are available to assist them. After receiving information from the coordinators, Shepherds will contact their flock with current news and information. They will also send cards to members in the nursing homes and shut-ins on a rotating monthly basis using the list of members in the Sunday bulletin.
Zone Shepherds:
Zone 1
Debbie Street Judy Dunnagan
Zone 2
Sharon Mays Mary Simmons Dinah Duke
Zone 3
Brenda Work Phyllis Wright Glynda Wilson
Zone 4
Sue Chester Kathy Garrett Mary Cox
Zone 5
Bettye Eighmy Pat Williams Norma Kimbro
Zone 6
Sue Drinnen Sharon Hawkins
Zone 7
Renee Singleton Patricia Terry
Zone 8
Judy Brazzell
Zone 9
Nursing Homes: Bro. Steven Lee, Larry & Sue Alexander, Pat Williams, Margaret West, Kay Moore.
When and Where?
Join us every Sunday for worship and throughout the week for multiple church activities!
- First Service: Sanctuary at 9 a.m.
- Second Service: Sanctuary at 11 a.m.
215 N Main St, Dickson, TN 37055