Donuts with Dad

Hey Dads! Start Father’s Day with delicious donuts, your children, and a wonderful worship service! Join us on Father’s Day @ DFUMC in the children’s area on the 3rd floor for a time to celebrate you!

We love our dads!

Happy Father’s Day!!


CLC Groundbreaking

Please mark your calendar for July 9th 2017! This is sure to be one of the most important days in the life of Dickson First Methodist Church.

Schedule of Activities:

9:30am– Church wide Gathering in Sanctuary for small program
9:50am– Move to North Side of church grounds for the official groundbreaking
10:00am-10:25am– Light refreshments and fellowship on the church grounds

Both Bishop Bill McAlilly and District Superintendent Ken Murray will be with us that day to help celebrate this monumental occasion at Dickson First!