Bible Readings for August, 2018

Here is the Bible reading plan for August, 2018. Follow along as we go on this spiritual journey together!

  1. Isaiah 65-66; Psalm 62; John 3
  2. 2 Kings 21; 2 Chronicles 33; John 4
  3. Nahum 1-3; John 5
  4. 2 Kings 22; 2 Chronicles 34; John 6
  5. 2 Kings 23; 2 Chronicles 35; John 7
  6. Habakkuk 1-3; John 8
  7. Zephaniah 1-3; John 9
  8. Jeremiah 1-2; John 10
  9. Jeremiah 3-4; John 11
  10. Jeremiah 5-6; John 12
  11. Jeremiah 7-9; John 13
  12. Jeremiah 10-12; John 14
  13. Jeremiah 13-15; John 15/li>
  14. Jeremiah 16-17; Psalm 96; John 16
  15. Jeremiah 18-20; Psalm 93; John 17
  16. 2 Kings 24; Jeremiah 22; Psalm 112; John 18
  17. Jeremiah 23 and Jeremiah 25; John 19
  18. Jeremiah 26 and Jeremiah 35-36; John 20
  19. Jeremiah 45-47; Psalm 105; John 21
  20. Jeremiah 48-49; Psalm 67; 1 John 1
  21. Jeremiah 21; Jeremiah 24; Jeremiah 27; Psalm 118; 1 John 2
  22. Jeremiah 28-30; 1 John 3
  23. Jeremiah 31-32; 1 John 4
  24. Jeremiah 33-34; Psalm 74; 1 John 5
  25. Jeremiah 37-39; Psalm 79; 2 John
  26. Jeremiah 50-51; 3 John
  27. Jeremiah 52; Revelation 1; Psalm 143-144
  28. Ezekiel 1-3; Revelation 2
  29. Ezekiel 4-7; Revelation 3
  30. Ezekiel 8-11; Revelation 4
  31. Ezekiel 12-14; Revelation 5

Bible Readings for July, 2018

Here is the Bible reading plan for July, 2018. Follow along as we go on this spiritual journey together!

  1. Isaiah 1-3; Titus 3
  2. Isaiah 4-5; Psalm 115-116; Jude
  3. Isaiah 6-7; 2 Chronicles 26-27; Philemon
  4. 2 Kings 15-16; Hosea 1; Hebrews 1
  5. Hosea 2-5; Hebrews 2
  6. Hosea 6-9; Hebrews 3
  7. Hosea 10-12; Psalm 73; Hebrews 4
  8. Hosea 13-14; Psalm 100; Psalm 102; Hebrews 5
  9. Micah 1-4; Hebrews 6
  10. Micah 5-7; Hebrews 7
  11. Isaiah 8-10; Hebrews 8
  12. Isaiah 11-14; Hebrews 9
  13. Isaiah 15-18; Hebrews 10
  14. Isaiah 19-21; Hebrews 11
  15. Isaiah 22-24; Hebrews 12
  16. Isaiah 25-28; Hebrews 13
  17. Isaiah 29-31; James 1
  18. Isaiah 32-35; James 2
  19. 2 Kings 17; 2 Chronicles 28; Psalm 46; James 3
  20. 2 Chronicles 29-31; James 4
  21. 2 Kings 18-19; 2 Chronicles 32; James 5
  22. Isaiah 36-37; Psalm 76; I Peter 1
  23. 2 Kings 20; Isaiah 38-39; Psalm 75; I Peter 2
  24. Isaiah 40-42; I Peter 3
  25. Isaiah 43-45; I Peter 4
  26. Isaiah 46-49; I Peter 5
  27. Isaiah 50-52; Psalm 92; 2 Peter 1
  28. Isaiah 53-56; 2 Peter 2
  29. Isaiah 57-59; Psalm 103; 2 Peter 3
  30. Isaiah 60-62; John 1
  31. Isaiah 63-64; Psalm 107; John2