D1 Kids Nursery News
Our Nursery has grown tremendously in 2017! We are so blessed to have so many kiddos & families as a part of our ministry; however, because of our limited space, we have had some safety issues that we need your help in correcting. Below are 4 rules that will be enforced in our Nursery this year. These rules are here to help us maintain a safe & clean childcare area for our kiddos and their families. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Mrs. Kayla.
1. One Parent/Guardian at Drop Off/Pick Up – We have very limited space in & surrounding the nursery. In order to keep this area uncongested, we ask that you only send one person (must be 18 or older) to drop off/pick up your little one (also, make sure the nursery staff knows who will pick up your child – they are not allowed to let kids go with adults they don’t know).
2. Do Not Leave Children Unattended in the Nursery
3. Only Nursery Staff & Scheduled Volunteers are Allowed in the Nursery – This again has to do with space & safety. There is a window in the door where you can look into the nursery to see the babies…please do not open the door unless you are scheduled to serve in there.
4. No Public Bathroom – Yes, there is a bathroom in the nursery; No, it’s not for the entire congregation (Sorry). This bathroom is reserved for Nursery Staff & Potty Training Toddlers. There are many other bathrooms in this church that are open to the congregation. Again, this rule is here for the safety of the kids in the nursery.
– These will be posted outside the Nursery by the first of the year & be looking for a bulletin insert/announcement sometime in January.
– Thank You for helping us make DFUMC a place where families can feel safe & comfortable!