Youth Ministry Updates for February
The youth group continues to grow in number and in closeness. We now average 25-30 youth in regular attendance on Wednesday nights! I want to give a big shoutout to Brian and Cheryl Baker, who have stepped up and become a great set of volunteer youth leaders! If you see them around the church, be sure to thank them for investing in our youth!
On January 10th we welcomed Kris Lott, Youth Minister at Calvary UMC, who presented a lesson on emotional health, teen suicide prevention, and how we can all find ways to help our friends when they’re feeling low. Youth and parents combined together on that night to enjoy a meal, and rich conversation about this very important topic.
We are looking forward to attending Warmth In Winter (the Conference youth event held at the Opryland Hotel and Convention Center) on February 9-11. DFUMC will be sending about 27 youth and 10 adults to this event. We will worship, fellowship, and study with over 2,000 other youth and leaders from all around our conference on this trip. Please be in prayer for the students and adults that will be in attendance!
As the youth group continues to grow, we are always seeking adults or groups that would be interested in volunteering to chaperone or lead discussions on Wednesday nights. If you, your Sunday School class, or another group would be interested in preparing a light dinner for 25-30 youth and volunteers, please see Jed Hanes (Youth Minister), or Kim Milam (Parent Coordinator).
God is definitely on the move in the lives of the youth of Dickson FUMC. The quality and content of our discussions is rich and insightful, and our students are hungry to learn about what God is doing in their lives and in their world. Please continue to pray for our students, their parents, and all of the youth of our community!
Shalom, Y’all
Jed Hanes (706.342.6365)