Women Coming Together 2016
Saturday, April 9th from 9:30am until 2:00pm. “Grace…It is The Gift of God” is the theme. The Hour of Worship will feature Debbie Mathis Watts from the Ryman Auditorium. She will perform monologues and songs from her stage play, “the Ryman Diaries” featuring Bettye Ryman.
Sign up for classes that include “A Bead and A Prayer”, “DIY Homemade Laundry Soap”, “Contained…Gardening on the Spot”, “God’s Gift of Color” (painting on canvas) and “Mom and Me: The Color We See” (mom and child painting on canvas). Registration forms will be available soon in the Narthex.
Registration will be 9:30 to 9:50am. Classes will be from 10:00-12:00Noon. Lunch will be from 12 Noon until 1:0pm and our Hour of Worship will be from 1:00-2:00pm.
Mark your calendar, invite friends and join us for “Women Coming Together” on April 9, 2016!