40 Days of Prayer
During the next several weeks, Bishop Bill McAlilly and the Nashville Episcopal Area’s Memphis and Tennessee conference offices invite you to a time of prayer to go before God as we discern the future.
We encourage you to partner with us in prayer through a daily time of petitioning to God and listening for how God may be leading us as the people of the Memphis and Tennessee conferences.
Many of us develop new spiritual practices and focus in on our journey to stay in love with God – especially during the season of Lent. As Wesleyans, we know there is no individual holiness without social holiness, so addressing our outer world along with our inner world is essential. We believe that praying as a community of faith is a stronghold of our faith and our church.
Please click HERE to receive a special daily email during the coming 40 days of Lent as we spend a united time in prayer. During these next weeks, you will receive a variety of prayer prompts, from songs and video clips to scripture readings and written prayers. Preparing our hearts for the Risen Christ will prepare our hearts and minds for the days ahead.
Our time of prayer will focus on our futures: the way God is working through our discussions around the possibility of a new conference and through the work of the Commission on the Way Forward. More information about this is available in the bishop’s Beyond the Rivers district presentations.